Love Me From A distance

Real pain put beautifully!
A poem can say so much. Great work from Nicole!



I am the kind of girl you love from a distance,
Because if you come close enough,
You will see the trails of tears down my cheeks,
The pain in my eyes,
And the hurt in my smile.

I am afraid to see the pity in your eyes,
Your gentle words to comfort me,
Your loving arms to hold me,
I want to hurt alone,
Me and only me.

Why won’t you love me from a distance?
Keep your heart away,
Because I just might hurt you,
I don’t think I have it anymore,
I don’t think I have love anymore.

I stand by my window and stare,
The cold dark night matches the rhythm of my heart,
My true self staring me back,
Damaged I feel and I pray silently,
That you love me from a distance.

photo credit: google images

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  1. lincahceria5 · March 8, 2015

    Oh, that kind of pain caused by silence and distance.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jin Okubo · March 8, 2015

    Raw unfettered lo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lorac888890 · April 3, 2015

    Hi, we’re all here for a purpose. Steve Jobs was one of many who did what they wanted to. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ShrutiInsights · April 3, 2015

      True, we all are meant to serve a purpose here and with time we realise what we are meant to do in life.


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